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中国儿童中心 | |
所在城市 | 北京 |
所在类目 | 美容健身 |
联系电话 | 010-66160122 66167831 |
详细地址 | 北京市西城区平安里西大街43号 邮编:100035 |
网站网址 | http://www.ccc.org.cn |
简介说明 | 中国儿童中心The China National Children's Center(CNCC)是党中央、国务院于1982年赠送给全国儿童少年的一份厚礼。她位于北京市西城区官园,前身是中国儿童少年活动中心和中国儿童发展中心,占地面积8万平方米,建筑面积34960平方米,包括科学宫、艺术宫、体育馆、教学楼、影剧厅和多种儿童游艺设施。园内建筑雄伟,环境优美,绿草如茵,蝶舞鸟鸣,两季有果,三季有花,四季常青,是儿童少年学习科学、艺术知识的理想场所和开展文艺、体育活动的美好园地,也是全国儿童工作者学习交流经验的基地。 The China National Children's Center(CNCC) was founded in 1982 as a gift for all the children of China from the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and is located in Guanyuan, Xicheng District, Beijing. It grew out of its predecessors, the Children's Activity Center of China and the Child Development Center of China. The China National Children's Center, situated in ground of 80,000 square meters, with buildings covering 34,960 square meters, has elegant buildings and attractive surroundings that are green all year round, and filled with birds, butterflies, flowers, friut trees. There is a Science and Technology Palace, an Art Palace, a Gymnasium, a Teaching Building, a Cinema and a variety of facilities for children's play and games. CNCC is an ideal place for children to both participate in educational programs contributing to their all-round development and to enjoy themselves in a variety of activities. It also serves as a center for child education workers from across the country to share their experience and improve their professional competence. 中国儿童中心是党中央、国务院于1982年赠送给全国儿童少年的一份厚礼。她位于北京市西城区官园,前身是中国儿童少年活动中心和中国儿童发展中心,占地面积8万平方米,建筑面积34960平方米,包括科学宫、艺术宫、体育馆、教学楼、影剧厅和多种儿童游艺设施。园内建筑雄伟,环境优美,绿草如茵,蝶舞鸟鸣,两季有果,三季有花,四季常青,是儿童少年学习科学、艺术知识的理想场所和开展文艺、体育活动的美好园地,也是全国儿童工作者学习交流经验的基地。 The China National Children's Center(CNCC) was founded in 1982 as a gift for all the children of China from the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and is located in Guanyuan, Xicheng District, Beijing. It grew out of its predecessors, the Children's Activity Center of China and the Child Development Center of China. The China National Children's Center, situated in ground of 80,000 square meters, with buildings covering 34,960 square meters, has elegant buildings and attractive surroundings that are green all year round, and filled with birds, butterflies, flowers, friut trees. There is a Science and Technology Palace, an Art Palace, a Gymnasium, a Teaching Building, a Cinema and a variety of facilities for children's play and games. CNCC is an ideal place for children to both participate in educational programs contributing to their all-round development and to enjoy themselves in a variety of activities. It also serves as a center for child education workers from across the country to share their experience and improve their professional competence. 作为校外教育基地,中国儿童中心通过丰富多彩的主题教育活动和艺术、体育、科技、语言等各类兴趣技能技巧的培训,帮助广大儿童少年学习知识、陶冶情操、增长才干、健康成长。这里有少先队员自己的组织--红领巾理事会;有曾经参加国内大型演出并多次出国访问的少儿艺术团;“中心”的夏令营基地建立在河北省昌黎县黄金海岸,占地面积20亩,建筑面积4700平方米,是全国校外教育工作者和儿童少年度假的理想场所。“中心”还建有上海、广东、新疆、云南、黑龙江、内蒙古、山东、河北8个科学育儿基地。 As a center for extracurricular education, The CNCC organizes educational activities centered around various themes, and conducts training courses for different interest groups in art, sports, science, language etc, designed to enable children to broaden their knowledge, develop their personality, increase their competence and grow up healthily, The CNCC has set up the Red Scarf Council, which is an organization established for and run by children themselves, a Children's Art Troup and the China National Children's community Committee. Thousands of children, who have attended CNCC training courses, have won prizes at home and abroad. The CNCC's Summer Camp with grounds of 13,320 square meters, and buildings covering 4,700 square meters, situated on the Golden Beach in Changli County, Hebei province, is an ideal place for children and educational workers to spend their summer holidays. |
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