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昌平一中 | |
所在城市 | 北京 |
所在类目 | 教育培训 |
联系电话 | 010-69742029 |
详细地址 | 北京市昌平区东关路16号 邮编:102200 |
网站网址 | http://www.cpyz.org.cn |
简介说明 | 北京市昌平区第一中学(原北京83中)始建于1951年,始终大力弘扬“勤奋、求实、开拓、守纪”的校训精神,今天已发展为具有鲜明办学特色和突出办学成绩的北京市示范高中校,成为昌平区教育发展的一面旗帜。学校现有44个教学班,学生2200余人,校园占地5.65万平方米,其中建筑面积3.5万平方米、绿地面积0.95万平方米、运动场地1.5万平方米。 昌平一中有良好的教育教学设施:400米标准跑道的全塑胶风雨操场、拥有室内篮球场的体育馆、综合性强的多功能阶梯教室、放大倍率达300多倍的天文望远镜,以及30余个专业教室和10万余册的藏书。此外,学校还大力推进教育现代化进程:架设了遍布校内各活动场所的校园网络;建造了多个高标准计算机专业教室和拥有300余台计算机终端的教师电子备课室及学生电子阅览室;为每个教室和实验室都配备了电脑、投影、电视,并接入Internet网络;建设了能辐射全区的北京市远程教育站点。这些都使昌平一中的信息技术教育在昌平区处于领先地位。 昌平一中师资雄厚,现有专任教师134人。其中特、高级教师33人,市级学科带头人和骨干教师7人,区级学科带头人和骨干教师56人。 昌平一中大力推进以培养学生创新精神和实践能力为宗旨的教学改革。学校充分发挥“科研领先,注重实践”的传统特色,以“开发学生潜能、塑造健全人格”的课题研究为主导,开设研究性学习课程,设置70余门选修课,组织了青鸟文学社等10余个学生社团,突出培养学生的综合素质,建立了八大社会实践基地,使学生在德智体美劳各方面均取得了突出成绩:获得市、区级个人或集体荣誉称号300余个,多名学生获区高考状元,在各种文、体、艺竞赛中,获200余项国家级奖项、500余项市级奖项。 昌平一中多年来培养了大批有用人才,我们的毕业生遍布国内外。学校密切关注国内外教育发展的动态,注重教育教学的科学研究,多次选派师生到国外学校进行培训,聘请外教到我校任教交流,承办国际教育教学研讨会议,接待大批国外教育交流考察团。 昌平一中今后的发展目标是:把学校办成教育思想先进,教育设施一流,管理严格规范,办学特色鲜明,校风正、质量高,促进昌平发展,能对北京市乃至全国起示范作用的普通高中示范校。我们诚挚欢迎国内外教育界朋友与我们共同办学,互惠双赢,共创美好明天。 Founded in 1951, the No.1 High school of Changping, Beijing (the original Beijing No. 83), is a key high school of this district with the spirit of being diligent, striving for thoroughness, being creative and being disciplined. Now there are 44 classes, about 2000 students.The occupied area of the school is 56500 square meters. Architectural area is 35000 square meters. Greenness area is 9500 square meters, sports area is 15000 square meters. The objective of running the school is making it into one with advanced educating theory, first-class equipment, strict and standard administration, distinct characteristic, regular school spirit and high quality, promoting the development of Changping, setting an example for the schools of Beijing or even the whole country. There are good facilities in No.1 High School of Changping, a 400-meter standard plastic track, a gym with inside basketball playground, a multiple-function lecture theatre, a telescope with the enlarge rate reaching more than 300 times and over 30 labs, professional classrooms and over 100,000 books. Besides these, the school has been devoting to modern educating process, such as the school web, the computer professional classroom, the electronic room for the teachers to prepare lesson, the students’ electronic reading rooms and the distance educating web covering the whole district. Every classroom and every lab was equipped with computer, projection, and television, which are connected to the Internet. All of these make the information and technique teaching of Changping No.1 Middle School the first position in the district. The No.1 High School has a large staff or more than 200. There are 144 professional teachers. Among them, 33 people are special-grade or high-grade teachers and there are 35 subjects leading teachers or core numbers in Beijing city or in our district. The school is making great reforms in classroom teaching in order to develop the students’ ability to create new ideas and do something by themselves. The traditional characteristic of this school is that scientific research takes the lead and focusing on practice. Guided by the subject research—how to develop the students’ latent energy and mold healthy characteristics, the school offers many inquiring learning courses and more than 70 selective courses. Besides, they set up more than 10 students’ societies, such as Green Bird Literature Group and eight bases for social practice. As a result, the students have achieved great successes in many fields. They got over 300 honor titles (person or community) rewarded by Beijing city or Changping district. A number of students got the highest marks in the district in the college entrance examinations in recent years. There are more than 200 prizes awarded by nation and over 800 by Beijing city in culture, physical education or art competitions. In 2002, more than 100 experts and representatives from an international society (mainly study how to promote the education of the whole people and enhance students’ quality) came to visit the school. They highly praised the school for the advanced guiding principles for running a school and outstanding achievements in education. Every year a number of qualified students graduate from our school and work all over the world. Meanwhile we bring in foreign teachers as well as send students and teachers to study abroad. By far we have held many international education conferences and received many visiting groups from other countries. The objective of running the school is making it into one with advanced educating theory, first-class equipment, strict and standard administration, distinct characteristic, regular school spirit and high quality, promoting the development of Changping and setting an good example for the schools of Beijing or even the whole country. Welcome friends home and abroad to join us! We can work together, plan our future together and make progress together! |
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