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三石斋风筝(清芷园)专卖店 | |
所在城市 | 北京 |
所在类目 | 购物家居 |
联系电话 | 010-83502201 |
详细地址 | 北京市宣武区清芷园1号楼A座 邮编:100054 |
网站网址 | http://www.cnkites.com/ |
简介说明 | 北京三石斋风筝专卖店简介 三石斋风筝专卖店是目前中国最有名的风筝厂家之一。在继承传统技术的基础上结合刘氏一族三代做风筝的实践经验,手工制作各类传统风筝。用料精良、做工精美。 近年来,随着时代的发展,本厂以拥有先进的印刷设备及技术。现承接广告类风筝 和礼品风筝。 Three Stones Kites Company is one of the well-known companies that produce kites at present. The company inherits the traditional skills of the making crafts, and combines the rich experience in making kites that has lasted for three generations in the Liu’s. All kinds of the traditional kites are made manually, with polish materials and elaborate crafts. In recent years, with the development of the time, the company has possessed advanced printing equipments and techniques. Now it can make kites for advertising and for presents, and we warmly welcome you to come to our company to purchase them. 三石斋风筝有上百年的历史。起初它只是王公贵族的玩物,逐渐才成为一种风筝文化。它区别于其它风筝流派的特点是它延续的是宫廷风筝的制作风格。 “精、细、雅”是三石斋风筝的主要特点。“精”,即选料精。它所用的竹子是上好的毛竹,阴干三年后才可以使用。丝是选用南方丝。颜色也是自己调配。“细”即做工细。它做工考究。它严格按照工序要求制作。讲求工艺美。“雅”是画面清雅、工整。文化内涵丰富。图案设计严谨。三石斋风筝是北京风筝的重要代表流派之一。 |
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