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上海财苑宾馆 | |
所在城市 | 上海 |
所在类目 | 酒店餐厅 |
联系电话 | 021-59246666(总台) 传真:59240761 |
详细地址 | 上海市青浦区朱家角镇新溪路100号(城中大停车场北侧) 邮编:201713 |
网站网址 | http://www.sh-cybg.com/ |
简介说明 | 上海财苑宾馆位于青浦区朱家角镇中心,紧贴318国道,市区驱车30分钟即可抵达。南临佘山游览点,西靠淀山湖风景区,地理位置优越,交通十分方便。其古镇景点:放生桥、明清一条街、课植园近在咫尺。真可谓“枕靠小桥,耳闻流水”。 宾馆占地面积20多亩,环境幽静,馆内绿茵草坪,翠树香花,点缀得体,置身期间,“别有洞天”之感油然而生。 宾馆备有中央空调,有标房、三人房84间;高级套房2间;大小会议室5只。餐厅可同时容纳380人就餐,并备有歌舞厅、保龄球馆、桑拿浴室、美容厅、棋牌室。实是举办会议、商务活动、旅游、休闲、喜宴、娱乐的理想之地。 宾馆以真诚的微笑,超值的服务在恭候您的光临。 总经理:罗才荣 Shanghai Caiyuan Hotel is located in Zhujiajiao,the ancient town in qingpu district.It's only thirty minutes'ride from urban district. It's next to No.318 National route. Sheshan Scenery is in its south. On its west is Dianshan Lake Beauty spot, It has the superior position and very convenient travelling. It's close to the sights in our ancient town,like Freeing Captive Animals Bridge, Ming & Qing Dynasty Style Street and the Lecture And Growing Garden. It is said "resting the head on the small bridge, listening to the flowing Water". Our hotel covers a total area of 13,340m2"It's a quiet and secluded place.It has green lawn,flowers and trees all around it Inside it you'll feel like another world quite different from this world.Our hotel is equipped with central air-condition system. It has 61 standard guest rooms and three-person rooms ; 2 presidential suites.It also has five meeting rooms of different size.Our restaurant can seat 380 people at a time.It has a ball-room,bowling hall ,sauna bathroom,hair-dressing.room and chess room. It's really an ideal place for conference,business,travelling. wedding dinner and recreation at leisure. We welcome you with sincerity and excellent service. |
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