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上海东湖临港大酒店 | |
所在城市 | 上海 |
所在类目 | 酒店餐厅 |
联系电话 | 021-58081888 转各部 传真:68082800(销售部) 58085678(预定部) |
详细地址 | 上海市南汇区大团镇南芦公路888号 邮编:201300 |
网站网址 | http://www.lg-hotel.com |
简介说明 | 上海东湖临港大酒店由上海汇农股份有限公司与上海港口企业投资发展有限公司出资建设,委托上海东湖集团经营管理。总投资约2亿元人民币,占地38亩,酒店建筑面积约28800平方米,是一座集典型的欧洲古典建筑风格和现代派装饰气息为一体的准四星级度假休闲酒店,分主楼和副楼各一栋,设有地下泊车位,各类豪华套房、商务套房、行政套房、标准房间约188套,另有独立的美式别墅若干栋. 内设500平方的宴会大厅、中餐厅、西餐厅、韩式铁板烧、自酿德式啤酒坊、咖啡厅和自助餐厅、各种类型会议厅、桑拿健身中心、KTV夜总会及商务中心、超市、礼品店等,并建有标准的高尔夫练习场和国际网球场,以及颇具特色的可供婚礼庆典、生日派对、商务聚餐的室外巴西风味烧烤园(BBQ) Managed by Shanghai Dong Hu Group,Shanghai Dong Hu Lin Gang Hotel is built by Shanghai Hui Nong Stock L.T.D. and Shanghai Gang Kou L.T.D. which invested over RMB200 million.Thehotel has an approximate area of 28,800 s.q.m. and its style,tone&color arrangement and decoration are western-style primarily but it is ingeniously mixed with traditional Chinese cultural elements. There are one main building and one subordinary building in the hotel,including approximate 188 lavish suites,business suites,executive suites and standard rooms as well as several villas.In addition,there are 500 s.q.m.grand ball room,all kinds of Meeting Ball,Chinese restaurant,Western restaurant,Korean Style BBQ,German Beer Bar,Coffee and Cafeteria restaurant,Sauna and Fitness center,KTV club,Business Center,Supermarket,Gift Shop,Standard Golf court,International Tennis court and Packing Load.We can hold distinctive wedding and birthday parties and business outdoors BBQ. 酒店拥有180间/套设计精巧、具有浓郁休闲风格的客房,包括VIP套房、豪华套房及标准客房。房间内设施先进完善:中央空调、独立温控、中外卫星电视节目、国内国际直播电话、迷你酒吧、微型保险箱、互联网宽带接口等一应俱全,酒店另拥有多栋独立花园别墅,为您的休闲度假带来无比的舒适和方便,让您享受在家一样的休闲与温馨! The Hotel offers over 200 rooms and suites,elegantly decorated in a luxurious contemporary style. All rooms include features to accommoadate the leisure travelers. All conditioning with individual climate control,satellite TV,mini-bar,in-room safe,DDD and IDD,internet access...thehotel have several garden villas,Everythingassures your utmost comfort. 酒店有可容纳300--350人的多功能会议厅以及风格、大小各异的10个会议厅,配备有可拆卸活动舞台、音视频转播系统、高清晰投影设备、专业音响等先进完善的会议设施,能充分满足不同商务活动的需求,是举行商务谈判、新闻发布会、产品展示会、营销推广会、培训研讨会及中、西高级宴会的最佳场所。 Our Grand Ballroom seats up from 300 to 350 persons in theatre-style.Hotel has other more than 10 meeting rooms.These rooms are equipped with the portable stage,the latest audio-video equipment including LCD,Hi.Fi system,closed circuit video and vivid projection equipment.Whatever your purpose,whether business meeting,press release,product exhibitiong,sales and marketing meeting,training seminar or conference, |
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