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上海南亚酒家 | |
所在城市 | 上海 |
所在类目 | 酒店餐厅 |
联系电话 | 021-63761916 |
详细地址 | 上海市黄浦区中山南路1280号 邮编:200011 |
网站网址 | |
简介说明 | 南亚酒家是一座挂牌两星级涉及宾馆,它坐落在黄浦区的东南侧,东邻黄浦江,紧靠南浦大桥,附近有十多条公交路线直达火车站、机场、码头等,出行便利,环境怡人,酒家配有中央空调、自动电梯、停车泊位,是中外旅客理想的住宿之地。 酒家集住宿、餐厅、简单娱乐会务为一体,有三十八间各种大小客房,其特点为环境宽畅整洁。餐厅有供百人用餐的大厅和各种大小包房十三间,菜肴博采众长,南北口味一应俱全,成为四方宾客美食之家。 本店全体员工热忱接待每一位来宾,以优质的服务欢迎各方嘉宾。 Nanya is a foreign-oriented two-star hotel, located at the southeast of Huangpu district, near Huangpu river and very close to the Nanpu suspension Bridge. It's convenent for guests to reach the railway station、airport etc by different buses nearby. With central air-conditioning system, automatic elevator and parking lots, it is an ideal place to stay for business or traveling. We have different kinds of guest rooms, dining rooms and conference halls etc for guests comfortable environment, Also there are a total of 13 dining rooms in the hotel, one of which can hold more than one hundred people for banquets. We deliver a variety of delicious Chinese food for your own taste. With high quality and good service, we sincerely have the honor to welcome people from all over the world to our hotel at any time. |
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相关单位 | HEC酒店设备 大桥益民学生营养午餐服务社 必胜客宅急送梅陇店 SH508尊萃会馆 霞飞小馆 SPAN99公寓酒店 嘉旺餐饮服务社 姚餐厅上海旗舰店 佰威大酒店 上海典时之家私人旅馆 |