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上海瀚海明玉大酒店 | |
所在城市 | 上海 |
所在类目 | 酒店餐厅 |
联系电话 | 021-61001888 |
详细地址 | 上海杨浦区 周家嘴路1888号 邮编:200082 |
网站网址 | http://www.hhmy-hotel.com/about.asp |
简介说明 | 瀚海明玉大酒店是一家按四星级标准建造的涉外宾馆,地处杨浦区控江路商业圈,毗邻黄浦江北外滩,与大连路隧道、杨浦大桥左右相邻,便捷可达浦东及虹桥机场。 大堂壁画“瀚海明玉”是由丝绸之路十八处著名景观、典故组合而成的巨幅金箔画,再现了那段辉煌而神秘的历史。在这里,亘古的商贸文化与繁荣积淀将成为您上海之行的珍贵典藏,与您共同演绎现代版的丝路传奇。 Located in the commercial area of KongJiang Road,YangPuDistrict along theNorth Bund of the Huang Pu River,Hanhai Jade Hotel is a standardized 4 star international hotel.The hotel is close to Dalian Road Tunnel and Yangpu Bridge,and is within easy reach of Pudong Airport and HongQiao Airport. The wall painting,”Hanhai Jade” in the lounge is a large paining in gold foil picturing 18 famous scenic spots and literary allusions regarding the Silk Road, which represent a glorious and mysterious period in Chinese history.The commercial culture and prosperity in ancient years would be a precious reminder in correspondence to the legend of modern Silk Road during your tour in Shanghai. 西餐 Western Restaurant 以丝绸之路传奇人物斯文赫定命名的西餐厅,为您提供国际式丰盛自助早餐及各式套餐。 The western restaurant Sven Hedin,entitled in the name of a legendary person in the SilkRoad,provides the buffet breakfast and various set dishes,coming up to the intemational standards. 中餐 Chinese Restaurant 位于酒店二楼的三千客中餐厅,供应海派菜肴,粤菜。 Situated on the second floor of the hotel,the "three thousand seat" Chinese restaurant provides Shanghai cuisine and Cantonese cuisine. 康体 Fitness facilities 休闲康乐,舒展身心,忘却繁琐公务,尽情享受闲适时光。酒店娱乐休闲设施:棋牌、桌球、美容美发、桑拿、女子SPA、足浴、保健按摩等 Entertainment and health activities would relax your body and mind,as well as relieve you from the busy work and enable you to enjoy the leisure time. Entertainment facilities in the hotel:Chess and card playing / billiards / cosmetology and hairdressing / sauna / SPA / for ladies / foot SPA / healthful massage, etc. |
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相关单位 | 光合作用(田林店)+悦读咖啡馆 思得客(广元西路店) 雅鱼馆 帮帮嘉沣西饼屋服务社 老边饺子馆(中怡店) 豆捞坊Dolar Shop(大宁店) 珊珊小笼馆 上海鸿华星期五餐厅有限公司衡山店 MANTA(曼塔) 多罗罗合家欢寿司 |